a place of community and a township working to combine its agricultural tradition with the growing tourism of Northern Michigan.
Banks Township’s natural resources make it a recreational paradise for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. Its hardworking, friendly people make it a great place to live or visit.
Copies of the proposed budgets will be available for public inspection at the Township Offices located inside the Township Hall or by clicking on the links below. Questions or comments can be presented at the hearing and written comments can be sent by mail to P.O. Box 68, Ellsworth, MI 49729 or by email to clerk@bankstownship.net.
The Township will provide necessary, reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at this meeting upon 6 days’ notice to the Banks Township Clerk. Contact Julie Chellis at (231) 588-6126 or clerk@bankstownship.net.
Julie Chellis
Banks Township Clerk
FY2026 Proposed Budget – General
FY2026 Proposed Budget – Liquor
FY2026 Proposed Budget – Roads
FY2026 Proposed Budget – Vehicle
Notice to all property owners in Banks Township
Please take notice that the Banks Township Board of Review will meet at the Township Hall located at 6520 Center St, Ellsworth MI 49729 on the following dates:
Organizational Meetings: The Boards of Review will meet for the purpose of receiving and reviewing the assessment roll on March 4, 2025, at 5:00pm.
Public Meetings: The Boards of Review will meet for the purpose of hearing property tax assessment appeals from property owners on March 10, 2025, from 9:00AM-3:00PM and March 13, 2024, from 3:00PM-9:00PM.
Please Note: All representatives must have a written authorization from their client.
Location: 6520 Center St, Ellsworth MI 49729
Mailing Address: PO Box 68, Ellsworth MI 49729
Fax Number: 231-588-2079
Email for Appeals: mborappeal@outlook.com
Website: bankstownship.net
Dates/Times: March 10, 9am-3pm and March 13, 3pm-9pm.
Link to Form: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/l4035f_2658_7.pdf
(ADA) American with Disabilities Notice: The local unit will provide necessary reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at the Board of Review meetings upon three days written notice please contact Banks Township Clerk, (231) 588-6126.
Tentative ratios and multipliers follow and are subject to change by the Assessing Officer, Board of Review, County Equalization and State Equalization.
Agricultural |
Commercial |
Industrial |
Residential |
Personal |
Ratio |
Factor |
Ratio |
Factor |
Ratio |
Factor |
Ratio |
Factor |
Ratio |
Factor |
41.44% |
1.20656 |
52.44% |
0.95347 |
52.16% |
0.95859 |
40.82% |
1.22489 |
50.00% |
1.0000 |
2025 Sales Data Banks Township, Antrim County
Antrim County Equalization and the Michigan State Tax Commission established a ratio from the 24-
month sales study period for the 2025 property valuation. The analysis included verified sales occurring
between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2024. Tax Day for the 2025 tax year is set for December 31, 2024.
The sales analysis on the following pages was used to determine the assessed values for the 2025
property tax assessment roll.
MCL 211.10g(d) requirements:
Requests for public inspection and copying of public records may be made verbally and in writing. If the
request is for inspection of public records, the assessor and/or authorized individual will respond within
5 business days from the date of the request. The establishment of the date and time of the public
inspection of the requested public records will be at the discretion of assessor. Inspection between the
usual business hours of 9:AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday unless a holiday, and unless
mutually agreed to by the assessor and the requesting party. The place designated for the requested
inspection shall be at the township hall. Any verbal or email requests will be replied no later than 5
business days.
Property Search & Mapping can be found at:
Antrim County BSA Data
Property Record Card Information can be found at https://bsaonline.com
Select “Banks Township Record Card Information” from Municipal Directory
For written requests:
Robert Englebrecht, Banks Twp Assessor
PO Box 68
Ellsworth, MI 49729
For verbal requests:
Robert Englebrecht, Banks Twp Assessor
Phone: (231) 883-4141
For email requests:
Assessing records are officially retained at:
Banks Twp Hall
6520 Center Street
Ellsworth, MI 49729
Click on link for Banks Township Land Value and ECF:
Banks Township Land Value and ECF
Last year, the Township Planning Commission began its 5-year review of the Banks Township Master Plan. As part of that process, a community survey was conducted to get public feedback to assist the Planning Commission.
One of the questions in the survey related to volunteering in the Township, and 63% of respondents said they are interested! Please click the link below or scan the QR code with your phone camera to tell us what projects/programs you would like to see in Banks Township and what you would like to volunteer for!
Click this link –> https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/qr_code/BanksTwpFollowUp
Read about the Chain of Lakes Water Trail that begins right here in Banks Township!
Breezy & Beautiful
Take this 26-mile road trip Up North.
Township residents wishing to burn fall leaves generally need a burn permit. For the Upper Peninsula and northern Lower Peninsula, residents can visit Michigan.gov/BurnPermit or call 866-922-BURN to find out whether burning is currently allowed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). For responsible burning information, contact Paul Rogers at 616-260-8406.